Every summer I teach a 2-week course in beautiful Assisi, Italy with Art Workshop International. In “Life & Art in Medieval Assisi” I lead students daily for on-site visits for in depth (sometime literally underground!) examinations of and discussions about town-building, archeology, architecture, painting, landscape, religion, and history. Assisi is a town and Umbria a region where all these topics are constantly on view and forever relevant. In the afternoons over coffee or wine we will have informal readings from and discussions about original source materials ranging from poetry to historical chronicles to religious texts to building contracts. All instruction and reading is in English, and no prior experience or study is necessary. Only curiosity and good walking shoes are needed!
It is not all instruction – Art Workshop International brings accomplished and aspiring artists, writers, and art historians together in a convivial setting – the 4-star Hotel Giotto – where we meet and mingle, eat and drink, and enjoy an unforgettable view for the hotel terrace!
I regularly post on Facebook about Italian art, architecture and history topics that we cover in the course. You can follow my medieval art posts on Facebook here. You don’t even have to be a regular FB user.
Spots are always limited so plan your 2021 summer now. I’ll be teaching in the first summer session which begins in mid-July. Check out the AWI website here with all the information you need: http://artworkshopintl.com/Home/index