I’ve lived in the Westcott Neighborhood of Syracuse since 1994 and with my wife, the late Judith Meighan, raised our family here. I have been dubbed – unofficially – the neighborhood historian. In that capacity I’ve organized house tours, neighborhood tours, architecture seminars, and I have frequently lectured and written about the history, architecture an people of this wonderful place to live. This page provides links to some these efforts.
A neighborhood highlight for me was when I was named Grand Marshall of the annual Westcott Street Cultural Fair in 2013. I led the parade alongside Syracuse Mayor Stephanie Miner and Congressman Dan Maffei, a Westcott native.

Westcott Neighborhood Self-Guided Tours
Work Begins on Gustav Stickley house Restoration (Westalk: February 17, 2016)
History in the Streets and Houses (Westalk: June 30, 2015)